Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yea i know, shoot me

I know its been a coupla days since i did my last blog entry...its been an interesting weekend...and by interesting, i mean nothing happened!

Seriously, aside from getting Read Dead Redemption, which lemme preface by saying it is an amazing game, but it also feels like GTA4 with a western mod...still fun though! but aside from that, not much has happened, due to not working, and not really going anywhere.

THAT ALL CHANGES THIS WEEK! im not sure how, where, why, who, or what, but dangit, if i dont do SOMETHING, im'a go' real!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

not ok...seriously

Ok, so can we just all agree that when a manager lets you go early from work, theres that brief period of elation knowing you got off early, but then the crushing realization that you just lost paying hours?

yea...thats kinda how i feel right now...longer blog post laterz when events unfold for the day

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


very uneventful...couple of achievements on XBL but thats about it

and now i gotta work in the morning and am very im going to go to sleep...will try to have a real blog post tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The weird thing...called the mall

So, i went to mall today to pick up my work schedule...and you know what i realized? The really...strange.

Take Brookstone for example. As i went through the store, i noticed everything was either
A: a massage apparatus
B: something completely uneccessary
C: something where a simpler device already existed for cheaper
D: things that looked like vibrators

So i moved onto Journeys. If it wasnt a skater shoe, it obviously wasnt wanted, cuz they were hidden at the bottom of the racks ALWAYS.

Moving on to Abercrombie and Fitch, my place of work. $110 for a jacket. 'Nuff said.

Well, the foodcourt...that CANT be bad, right? weeeeelllll...when half the stuff there has a drivethru somewhere else in the city...yes...

okay, Victorias Secret...Well, besides the fact that its an entire store devoted to womens underwear...the fact that it apparently requires THREE seperate store front entrances is absurd.

and the biggest problem of them all? THE GAMESTOP IS THE SMALLEST STORE IN THE MALL!! How do you do that?! i mean, even the stupid massage place that used to be just one of those little things they put in the middle of the walkways has a bigger area than GameStop...what the crap?! thats why i never look around the mall much...even if its the place i work...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Do gamers understand what "trade" means?!

Sorry. Normally i wouldn't start a day off with an INSTANT RANT...but this just was a "GAH!" moment...

So, playin a little Lost Planet 2 this morning...Faction match to be was supposed to be an easy victory, cuz our team, the NEVEC black ops, managed to get 8 people in, while the Rounders could only muster 5 guys. Well, one of my abilities i use is a VS ability, makin it easy for me to use VS' i do! of the guys on my team was obviously still relatively new to the game. He was driving a VS and spotted that i had a VS with a Laser Lance on it (basically, a laser sword...pretty sweet, but consumes thermal like nobodys business). Well, he stated he wanted mine and did we want to trade. Sounded fair to me, i didnt mind, i just wanted to pilot some kinda VS. As he approached i noticed his buddy was holding onto the side of his VS, so obviously they werent TOTAL noobs, but i digress...Well, he got out and i got out. He got in mine. When i went to get in his, i noticed his was fairly beat up, and since we were pretty off from the main fighting, i decided to repair it abit, since my VS ability lets me repair quicker as well. Suddenly, the guy riding on the side waited til i had it completely repaired, hopped in, and thrustered off! I coulda sworn i heard him laughing with his buddy about it...


ok...needless to say, i was a little irritated, cuz the 2 idiots proceeded to just jack around and "practice" their VS dashing and hovering "skills"...and we LOST! An 8vs5 TDM we lost...

thats it for now...taking a small break from LP2...but i wouldnt put it past the game to suprise me with idiocy again...